Pew Charitable Trust: 5 Key Findings Regarding Antibiotic Use in Hospitals

  1. Inappropriate prescriptions in terms of the specific antibiotic prescribed
  2. the duration of treatment
  3. or the illnesses for which they were given: 56%
  4. Inappropriate inpatient antibiotic use for community-acquired pneumonia: 79% (almost 60% of this is due to exceeding the recommended 7 days of treatment)
  5. Inappropriate inpatient antibiotic use for urinary tract infections: 77% (mostly patients who lacked symptoms or microbiology test results consistent with UTIs)
  6. Inappropriate inpatient Fluoroquinolone use in hospitals: 47%
  7. Inappropriate inpatient Vancomycin use in hospitals: 27%
Notes: From a report entitled, "Health Experts Establish Targets to Improve Hospital Antibiotic Prescribing," an assessment of national data collected by the CDC’s Emerging Infections Program (EIP) surveillance network of 10 state health departments and their academic and other partners. The panel also recommended national targets to reduce inappropriate use.